Wow! A lot has happened since I last posted in January. The plane landed, and the dominoes fell. God is never late, but he sure likes to cut it really close. Talk about a walk in faith.
Health News:
I had my first mammogram since my diagnosis, and it came
back clear! I am cancer-free! I will continue taking a targeted therapy by infusion through August. "Targeted therapies work by going after and controlling
specific proteins that help certain breast cancer cells grow and spread."(
One of the things that MAY have contributed to the cancer is
poor eating habits. With IBS, it is difficult to eat fruits and vegetables
because they cause stomach pain, so I end up eating junk food. This creates a
vicious cycle. My stomach won't heal because I eat junk, and I eat junk because
my stomach won't heal. Prayers for wisdom and self-discipline would be greatly
"Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies." 1 Cor 6:19-20
Home News:
We are very thankful that we found a home that is perfect
for us for this season of life. It is only 2 years old (we like new
construction). The house came on the market on 2/2, and we closed on both
houses on 2/15. God is never late, but he sure likes to cut it really close.
College News:
We still do not have a firm answer on what college Logan will attend next fall. He will hear from NC State (1st choice) by the end of March. God is working with Logan on trusting in His sovereignty. It is a walk in faith and never easy to be stretched and tested. Please pray for wisdom for Logan and us as we wait expectantly and cannot wait to see what the Lord does for Logan.
Psalm 39:7 says, "And now, O Lord, for what do I wait? My hope
is in you."
Caden News:
Caden had his 4th surgery in October. He developed a bad
infection in December, which was a setback. The wound is healing slowly but has
not completely closed. Please pray for complete and permanent healing.
Thanks again for all your prayers. We greatly appreciate
them and love to share how God shows up for our family.
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