Wednesday, August 30, 2023

God Speaks to Me

A lot of folks might think you're a bit crazy if you say, "God talks to me." But it's not like the stories of words appearing on walls or bushes catching fire, or a loud booming voice like in the Bible. It's much softer, more subtle. It's about actively seeking a connection with God. It involves the little things, like setting aside time to be with Him. Our lives are so full of busyness that we often drown out His voice with all the things we do.

There are times when I strongly feel that God is using His Word, His music, His pastor, and the people around me to speak directly to my heart. Those moments make me want to share my excitement with everyone.

Today is one of those days where I just want to shout from the rooftops. Yesterday brought a mix of news. The good news is that the tumor has been removed, and there's no sign that it has spread to any lymph nodes. So, for now, I am free from cancer's grasp. However, the not-so-good news is that the tumor was 1.9 centimeters, which makes it borderline whether I'll need mild or stronger chemo.

Chemo is my absolute biggest fear. Just the thought of it makes me overwhelmed with dread. I can't even talk about it without bursting into tears. I've tried to figure out why, and I think it boils down to being scared of losing control. My kids always tease me about having issues with wanting control.

This morning, I'm up early, trying to accomplish things while also making sure I don't get so busy that I skip my quiet time with God. My BFF, Kristi, gave me a thoughtful gift – a devotional that I would highly recommend to anyone going through cancer. Today's reading was about the story of Daniel and the Lions' Den. The author compared it to going through chemo, which was like a light bulb turning on for me.

God allowed Daniel to enter the lions' den, but he was not hurt. The author shared how she had to go through chemo, but God spared her from some of the really bad side effects.

I often get lost in thoughts of "what if," which makes it hard for me to find peace in the present reality. But I know that my God is ahead of me. He knows what challenges lie ahead. He understands my worried heart and sends me the perfect message just when I need it the most. Some people might call that a coincidence, but there are no coincidences with our all-powerful God. If God could rescue Daniel from the lions' power (Daniel 6:27), then I believe the same God will rescue me from the effects of chemo (Daniel 6:16).

Upcoming dates:  9/6 – meeting with oncology at Duke
9/7 – meeting with oncology in Charlotte

Prayer request:  I pray that the two oncologist will agree on my path of treatment for chemo so that I have no doubt which direction to take.  Also, if it is God’s will that it would be chemo-light.

Psalm 94:18-19 When I said, “My foot is slipping,” your unfailing love, Lord,
supported me. 19 When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought me

ps:  thoughts are mine, proofreading by ChatGPT - Devotional

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