I met with my oncologist last Thursday and she was very pleased with my progress. I have completed 1 of 4 cycles of chemo with minimal side effects. She even said I was the “poster child for chemo”. I cringed a little because I felt maybe she spoke too soon. My mama would say the devil is always listening. I told her how much you guys were praying for me and that was the reason I was doing so well. Then on Saturday, my head began to tingle and my hair started “thinning”. Which is a polite way to say every time I touch my hair 10-20 strands fall out.
For me I needed the slow shedding to come to grips with the fact that I am going to soon be bald. As the strands began to fall it started to become annoying. My hair is everywhere…a hairy situation! And I do mean everywhere. I have begun to wear it up, so it doesn’t leave a trail in my wake. I had to get to the point that I was more irritated with hair loss than shaving it off. So, tomorrow is the big day. Levine Cancer Institute gives each patient a free wig. I have been told to bring a friend because it is a fun appointment. I get to try up to 5 wigs and will make the most of it. I told a friend today that humor and Jesus were getting me through cancer.
I am still determining what I will feel most comfortable wearing, thankfully I have a lot of options and look forward to trying them all. Fortunately, God knows how many hairs I will lose and how many will return. Matthew 10:30-31 says “And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. So don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.”
In a different hairy situation, Caden’s surgery for his cyst (caused by too much hair) was successful. He is recovering and always hungry. He will be out of school for 4 weeks. He had the same surgery last year and had a difficult time catching up with schoolwork. Could you please pray he will fully heal, the cyst will never return, and he has the self-discipline to do his school work instead of procrastinating.
Finally, a special thank you to the ladies of our church who have kept us well-fed. We are truly blessed and cannot express how much we appreciate their generosity.
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